Search Media Optimization(SMO)

Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of utilizing a bevy of social media communities and channels to facilitate brand exposure and to enhance awareness of a particular event or product.

Originally developed to push traffic from various social media sites towards a company's website, SMO today is so much more-giving a strong impetus to SEO performance. A robust SMO strategy ensures traffic from social media websites, as well as search engines today. SMO is an excellent way to:

  • Build your online social media reputation as a qualified source of information.
  • Encourage enhanced user engagement.
  • Become an authoritative figure and thought leader in your industry genre.
  • Be social and engage directly with consumers to know what they want.
  • Increase website traffic through online referrals-reaching out to a wider range of consumers.

Planning an effective SMO strategy requires more than mere social engagement. The increasing prominence of referral traffic and social action incorporation by search engines are making website socializing thoroughly important-through good quality content. Valuable content portrays you as an industry thought leader. If you need great content to galvanize your SMO tactics, let Rent a Brain help you! We have the experts and experience to deliver successful SMO campaigns every time.